J Cancer
2012; 3:449-453.
doi:10.7150/jca.5187 This volumeCite
Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update
P Carcoforo1, M.T Raiji2, G.M Palini3, M Pedriali1, U Maestroni4, G Soliani1, A Detroia1, M.V Zanzi1, A.L Manna1, J.G Crompton5, R.C Langan2, A Stojadinovic, I Avital6✉
1. Section of General Surgery, Department of Surgical, Anaesthesiological and Radiological Sciences, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy; 2. Department of General Surgery, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC; 3. Section of Pathology, Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, University of Ferrara, Ferrara Italy; 4. Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Parma, Parma Italy; 5. Department of Surgery, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles CA; 6. Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD; Bon Secours National Cancer Institute, Richmond VA, USA.
✉ Corresponding author: itzhakavitalcom
Carcoforo P, Raiji MT, Palini GM, Pedriali M, Maestroni U, Soliani G, Detroia A, Zanzi MV, Manna AL, Crompton JG, Langan RC, Stojadinovic A, Avital I. Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update. J Cancer 2012; 3:449-453. doi:10.7150/jca.5187. https://www.jcancer.org/v03p0449.htm
The anorectum is a rare anatomic location for primary melanoma. Mucosal melanoma is a distinct biological and clinical entity from the more common cutaneous melanoma. It portrays worse prognosis than cutaneous melanoma, with distant metastases being the overwhelming cause of morbidity and mortality. Surgery is the treatment of choice, but significant controversy exists over the extent of surgical resection. We present an update on the state of the art of anorectal mucosal melanoma. To illustrate the multimodality approach to anorectal melanoma, we present a typical patient.
Keywords: anorectal mucosal melanoma
Citation styles
Carcoforo, P., Raiji, M.T., Palini, G.M., Pedriali, M., Maestroni, U., Soliani, G., Detroia, A., Zanzi, M.V., Manna, A.L., Crompton, J.G., Langan, R.C., Stojadinovic, A., Avital, I. (2012). Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update. Journal of Cancer, 3, 449-453. https://doi.org/10.7150/jca.5187.
Carcoforo, P.; Raiji, M.T.; Palini, G.M.; Pedriali, M.; Maestroni, U.; Soliani, G.; Detroia, A.; Zanzi, M.V.; Manna, A.L.; Crompton, J.G.; Langan, R.C.; Stojadinovic, A.; Avital, I. Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update. J. Cancer 2012, 3, 449-453. DOI: 10.7150/jca.5187.
Carcoforo P, Raiji MT, Palini GM, Pedriali M, Maestroni U, Soliani G, Detroia A, Zanzi MV, Manna AL, Crompton JG, Langan RC, Stojadinovic A, Avital I. Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update. J Cancer 2012; 3:449-453. doi:10.7150/jca.5187. https://www.jcancer.org/v03p0449.htm
Carcoforo P, Raiji MT, Palini GM, Pedriali M, Maestroni U, Soliani G, Detroia A, Zanzi MV, Manna AL, Crompton JG, Langan RC, Stojadinovic A, Avital I. 2012. Primary Anorectal Melanoma: An Update. J Cancer. 3:449-453.